<!-- wp:html --><p>Photo Illustration by Elizabeth Brockway/The Daily Beast/Getty</p>
<p>In Washington, Sen. Kyrsten Sinema’s <a href="https://www.thedailybeast.com/arizona-sen-kyrsten-sinema-says-she-is-no-longer-a-democrat">decision to leave the Democratic Party</a> last week landed like a black cloud<strong> </strong>over the party’s sunny post-election victory lap.</p>
<p>But back in Arizona, her move came across like something else entirely.</p>
<p>“Her party switch is an electoral hand grenade,” one Arizona Democratic operative told The Daily Beast, “and she just pulled the pin.”</p>
<p><a href="https://www.thedailybeast.com/democrats-are-ready-to-call-kyrsten-sinemas-bluff?source=articles&via=rss">Read more at The Daily Beast.</a></p><!-- /wp:html -->
Photo Illustration by Elizabeth Brockway/The Daily Beast/Getty
In Washington, Sen. Kyrsten Sinema’s decision to leave the Democratic Party last week landed like a black cloudover the party’s sunny post-election victory lap.
But back in Arizona, her move came across like something else entirely.
“Her party switch is an electoral hand grenade,” one Arizona Democratic operative told The Daily Beast, “and she just pulled the pin.”