Tue. Jul 9th, 2024

How much money OnlyFans creators make<!-- wp:html --><p>OnlyFans creator Bryce Adams made over $5 million on OnlyFans in a year.</p> <p class="copyright">Bryce Adams</p> <p>OnlyFans offers creators a variety of options to earn money.<br /> Models can monetize through subscriptions, pay-per-view posts, or paywalled DMs, for example.<br /> Several creators shared how much money they make on the platform.</p> <p>The subscription platform OnlyFans has become a lucrative service for creators to publish exclusive content, and it has boomed among adult entertainers.</p> <p>We spoke with <a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/how-much-money-onlyfans-creators-make-per-year-2022-5?r=onlyfans-earnings-lp">eight OnlyFans models about how much money they made in a year</a>, and their answers ranged from $143,000 to $5.4 million.</p> <p><strong><a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/how-much-money-onlyfans-creators-make-per-year-2022-5?r=onlyfans-earnings-lp">Read more about exactly how much these eight OnlyFans creators earned and how they did it</a></strong></p> <p>On the upper end was Bryce Adams, who made <a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/how-much-onlyfans-creator-top-001-of-earners-makes-2022-8?r=onlyfans-earnings-lp">more than $5 million in a year across three accounts</a>.</p> <p>"I have over 300 videos that I've made," <a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/how-much-onlyfans-creator-top-001-of-earners-makes-2022-8?r=onlyfans-earnings-lp">she told Insider</a>. "I like to have a lot of variety, and it's always something new, so I'm not just heading up the same thing."</p> <p><strong><a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/onlyfans-creator-made-6-million-strategies-for-success-2023-1">Read about how Adams built her OnlyFans business to over $6.4 million in yearly revenue</a></strong></p> <p>Adams isn't the only one pulling in major cash. OnlyFans CEO Ami Gan <a href="https://workweek.com/2022/11/01/onlyfans-ceo-is-on-a-mission-to-set-the-record-straight/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">said in October 2022</a> that the company had paid out $10 billion to creators since its founding in 2016, and that the platform had over 2 million creators.</p> <p>Creators on OnlyFans can make money in a variety of ways:</p> <p><strong>Subscriptions:</strong> In order to unlock content, users usually pay a monthly or annual fee. The creator keeps 80% of subscription revenue, while 20% goes to OnlyFans. Creators can establish different subscription tiers, and sometimes, <a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/how-much-onlyfans-creator-top-001-of-earners-makes-2022-8?r=onlyfans-earnings-lp">they have accounts that can be accessed free of charge.</a> (<a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/7-onlyfans-stars-explain-their-pricing-strategies-guide-tips-list-2022-3?r=onlyfans-earnings-lp"><strong>Read more about how creators set prices for their content</strong>.</a>)<strong>Pay-per-view content:</strong> On their feeds, creators have the option to put additional content behind a paywall, which the users can purchase at an extra cost — usually photos or videos.<strong>Pay-per-view messages:</strong> OnlyFans offers a <a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/how-much-money-top-onlyfans-creator-made-in-year-2022-2?r=onlyfans-earnings-lp">direct messaging feature for fans to chat with creators.</a> Fans normally pay a per-message fee or flat fee to interact with the creator, and sometimes request personalized content in exchange for an additional payment. Some creators, overwhelmed with the amount of messages from subscribers, have relied on ghostwriters to respond. (<a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/former-onlyfans-star-managers-say-they-catfished-fans-unruly-agency-2021-12?r=onlyfans-earnings-lp"><strong>Read Insider's investigation into a secretive firm offering ghostwriting services for OnlyFans creators</strong>.</a>)<strong>Tips: </strong>Subscribers to an OnlyFans page also have the option to send cash to creators in the form of a tip. For example, Amber Sweetheart, whose OnlyFans business is based on her personal connection with her fans, says she has subscribers who come back daily to interact with her and send her tips. (<strong><a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/how-podcasts-interviews-boosted-onlyfans-creator-made-2-million-2023-2?r=onlyfans-earnings-lp">Read more about how Sweetheart built her OnlyFans business to $2.6 million.</a></strong>)<strong>Promo "shoutouts":</strong> Creators rely on marketing tactics to get new customers, like buying and selling "shoutouts" from each other to advertise on OnlyFans and on other social-media platforms. For some, <a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/onlyfans-creators-pay-each-other-millions-of-dollars-gain-followers-2022-5?r=onlyfans-earnings-lp">selling promotional content has become a big business</a>, and they even <a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/how-virtual-assistant-onlyfans-stars-earns-360k-a-year-2022-6?r=onlyfans-earnings-lp">hire assistants to help manage</a> the requests for "shoutouts." (<a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/onlyfans-creators-pay-each-other-millions-of-dollars-gain-followers-2022-5?r=onlyfans-earnings-lp"><strong>Read more about the business of promo content and how much creators make from it</strong>.</a>)<strong>Coaching:</strong> Some creators <a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/meet-top-onlyfans-model-coach-for-creators-private-group-chat-2021-11?r=onlyfans-earnings-lp">have built a significant part of their business</a> on teaching others how to leverage OnlyFans to make a sustainable income.Karley Stokes, an OnlyFans creator in the top 0.01% of earners on the platform, started a coaching program to help other creators grow their businesses.</p> <p class="copyright">Courtesy of Karley Stokes</p> <h2>How much money OnlyFans models make</h2> <p>Creators on OnlyFans don't generally earn money from a single income stream — they often take advantage of the various monetization options the platform offers, as well as making money off-platform.</p> <p>How much seven adult content creators charge for different kinds of content on OnlyFans, <strong><a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/7-onlyfans-stars-explain-their-pricing-strategies-guide-tips-list-2022-3?r=onlyfans-earnings-lp">and how they determined their pricing strategies.</a></strong>The strategies that allowed four creators to <strong><a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/onlyfans-creators-how-they-made-1-million-on-the-platform-2022-10?r=onlyfans-earnings-lp">earn their first million dollars on OnlyFans.</a></strong>How much money eight OnlyFans creators make in a year, and <strong><a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/how-much-money-onlyfans-creators-make-per-year-2022-5?r=onlyfans-earnings-lp">the top ways they earn money, from subscriptions to messaging.</a></strong>Teddy Bear, a male OnlyFans creator, quit the adult entertainment industry to focus on OnlyFans. <strong><a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/how-onlyfans-star-built-income-to-nearly-300k-a-year-2022-10?r=onlyfans-earnings-lp">He built a business that was on track to make $300,000 in 2022.</a></strong>Anne, a stay-at-home mom, uses Reddit and YouTube to promote her profile. <strong><a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-promote-onlyfans-using-reddit-creator-strategy-earnings-2023-2?r=onlyfans-earnings-lp">Here's what she made in nine months on OnlyFans.</a></strong></p> <h3><strong>How much OnlyFans creators with fewer than 10,000 fans earn:</strong></h3> <p>Jade Nicole has 1,000 subscribers. <strong><a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/how-onlyfans-creators-1000-fans-earned-1-million-2022-10?r=onlyfans-earnings-lp">She shared how she managed to make $1 million.</a></strong>Belle Grace, a British creator, has around 2,400 subscribers. <strong><a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/how-much-money-onlyfans-top-creator-makes-six-figure-business-2022-10?r=onlyfans-earnings-lp">She shared the exact schedule that made her six figures on OnlyFans and allowed her to buy a house.</a></strong>Audrey Aura has about 3,000 subscribers. <strong><a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/how-much-money-top-onlyfans-creator-made-in-year-2022-2?r=onlyfans-earnings-lp">She shared how much she made in a year and broke down her various income streams.</a></strong>Morgan Edwards, known on OnlyFans as "Kitty K," has 5,000 subscribers. <strong><a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/how-onlyfans-creator-earned-over-1-million-from-account-2022-1?r=onlyfans-earnings-lp">In two years, she built a business that made her over $2 million.</a></strong></p> <h3><strong>How much OnlyFans creators that have between 10,000 and 100,000 fans earn:</strong></h3> <p>Amber Sweetheart has about 26,ooo fans on two profiles. <strong><a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/how-podcasts-interviews-boosted-onlyfans-creator-made-2-million-2023-2?r=onlyfans-earnings-lp">And she's made over $2.6 million since joining OnlyFans in 2020.</a></strong>Nita Marie has about 56,000 subscribers. <strong><a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/how-onlyfans-creator-makes-over-100-thousand-monthly-3-platforms-2022-9?r=onlyfans-earnings-lp">She earned $100,000 a month from three platforms. </a></strong>Kitty Morgan has over 85,000 subscribers. <strong><a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/how-much-money-top-onlyfans-star-earns-in-year-month-2022-10?r=onlyfans-earnings-lp">She made $1 million on OnlyFans just 18 months after she joined.</a></strong></p> <h3><strong>How much OnlyFans creators with over 100,000 fans earn:</strong></h3> <p>Isabella James has over 128,000 subscribers. <strong><a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/how-onlyfans-star-earns-2-million-yearly-income-revenue-2022-4?r=onlyfans-earnings-lp">With $2 million a year in revenue, she is one of the top earners on OnlyFans.</a></strong>Bryce Adams has 660,000 subscribers. <strong><a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/how-much-onlyfans-creator-top-001-of-earners-makes-2022-8?r=onlyfans-earnings-lp">She made over $5 million in a year from OnlyFans.</a></strong><strong><a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/onlyfans-creator-made-6-million-strategies-for-success-2023-1">Adams also shared her strategies for success</a></strong> and her plan for 2023 after making $6.4 million in 2022.OnlyFans superstar Amouranth broke down <strong><a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/how-amouranth-grew-her-onlyfans-business-earnings-million-per-month-2022-8?r=onlyfans-earnings-lp">how she built an adult-content business that made her $1.5 million per month, and her advice to creators.</a></strong></p> <div class="read-original">Read the original article on <a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/how-much-money-onlyfans-creators-make-real-examples-2023-1">Business Insider</a></div><!-- /wp:html -->

OnlyFans creator Bryce Adams made over $5 million on OnlyFans in a year.

OnlyFans offers creators a variety of options to earn money.
Models can monetize through subscriptions, pay-per-view posts, or paywalled DMs, for example.
Several creators shared how much money they make on the platform.

The subscription platform OnlyFans has become a lucrative service for creators to publish exclusive content, and it has boomed among adult entertainers.

We spoke with eight OnlyFans models about how much money they made in a year, and their answers ranged from $143,000 to $5.4 million.

Read more about exactly how much these eight OnlyFans creators earned and how they did it

On the upper end was Bryce Adams, who made more than $5 million in a year across three accounts.

“I have over 300 videos that I’ve made,” she told Insider. “I like to have a lot of variety, and it’s always something new, so I’m not just heading up the same thing.”

Read about how Adams built her OnlyFans business to over $6.4 million in yearly revenue

Adams isn’t the only one pulling in major cash. OnlyFans CEO Ami Gan said in October 2022 that the company had paid out $10 billion to creators since its founding in 2016, and that the platform had over 2 million creators.

Creators on OnlyFans can make money in a variety of ways:

Subscriptions: In order to unlock content, users usually pay a monthly or annual fee. The creator keeps 80% of subscription revenue, while 20% goes to OnlyFans. Creators can establish different subscription tiers, and sometimes, they have accounts that can be accessed free of charge. (Read more about how creators set prices for their content.)Pay-per-view content: On their feeds, creators have the option to put additional content behind a paywall, which the users can purchase at an extra cost — usually photos or videos.Pay-per-view messages: OnlyFans offers a direct messaging feature for fans to chat with creators. Fans normally pay a per-message fee or flat fee to interact with the creator, and sometimes request personalized content in exchange for an additional payment. Some creators, overwhelmed with the amount of messages from subscribers, have relied on ghostwriters to respond. (Read Insider’s investigation into a secretive firm offering ghostwriting services for OnlyFans creators.)Tips: Subscribers to an OnlyFans page also have the option to send cash to creators in the form of a tip. For example, Amber Sweetheart, whose OnlyFans business is based on her personal connection with her fans, says she has subscribers who come back daily to interact with her and send her tips. (Read more about how Sweetheart built her OnlyFans business to $2.6 million.)Promo “shoutouts”: Creators rely on marketing tactics to get new customers, like buying and selling “shoutouts” from each other to advertise on OnlyFans and on other social-media platforms. For some, selling promotional content has become a big business, and they even hire assistants to help manage the requests for “shoutouts.” (Read more about the business of promo content and how much creators make from it.)Coaching: Some creators have built a significant part of their business on teaching others how to leverage OnlyFans to make a sustainable income.Karley Stokes, an OnlyFans creator in the top 0.01% of earners on the platform, started a coaching program to help other creators grow their businesses.

How much money OnlyFans models make

Creators on OnlyFans don’t generally earn money from a single income stream — they often take advantage of the various monetization options the platform offers, as well as making money off-platform.

How much seven adult content creators charge for different kinds of content on OnlyFans, and how they determined their pricing strategies.The strategies that allowed four creators to earn their first million dollars on OnlyFans.How much money eight OnlyFans creators make in a year, and the top ways they earn money, from subscriptions to messaging.Teddy Bear, a male OnlyFans creator, quit the adult entertainment industry to focus on OnlyFans. He built a business that was on track to make $300,000 in 2022.Anne, a stay-at-home mom, uses Reddit and YouTube to promote her profile. Here’s what she made in nine months on OnlyFans.

How much OnlyFans creators with fewer than 10,000 fans earn:

Jade Nicole has 1,000 subscribers. She shared how she managed to make $1 million.Belle Grace, a British creator, has around 2,400 subscribers. She shared the exact schedule that made her six figures on OnlyFans and allowed her to buy a house.Audrey Aura has about 3,000 subscribers. She shared how much she made in a year and broke down her various income streams.Morgan Edwards, known on OnlyFans as “Kitty K,” has 5,000 subscribers. In two years, she built a business that made her over $2 million.

How much OnlyFans creators that have between 10,000 and 100,000 fans earn:

Amber Sweetheart has about 26,ooo fans on two profiles. And she’s made over $2.6 million since joining OnlyFans in 2020.Nita Marie has about 56,000 subscribers. She earned $100,000 a month from three platforms. Kitty Morgan has over 85,000 subscribers. She made $1 million on OnlyFans just 18 months after she joined.

How much OnlyFans creators with over 100,000 fans earn:

Isabella James has over 128,000 subscribers. With $2 million a year in revenue, she is one of the top earners on OnlyFans.Bryce Adams has 660,000 subscribers. She made over $5 million in a year from OnlyFans.Adams also shared her strategies for success and her plan for 2023 after making $6.4 million in 2022.OnlyFans superstar Amouranth broke down how she built an adult-content business that made her $1.5 million per month, and her advice to creators.

Read the original article on Business Insider
