Sun. Jul 7th, 2024

NNA – The British Embassy Beirut launched the Ambassador for a Day Lebanon competition in January this year. The competition was open to 15-18 year old girls across Lebanon and over 500 girls submitted entries on the International Women’s Day 2023 theme “Embrace Equity”. The creativity, passion and potential in their applications was inspiring.

Twelve winners were selected. Each winner will be paired with an Ambassador and will spend a day shadowing the Ambassador in an unforgettable experience that aims to build confidence, leadership and diplomatic skills.


British Ambassador to Lebanon, Hamish Cowell, hosted a reception at his residence yesterday in honour of the winners and the participating diplomatic missions.


In his opening words at the event, Ambassador Cowell said:

“You should be proud to have won the Ambassador for a Day competition. All 12 of you showed great passion, potential and creativity.

We ran the competition to demonstrate the huge potential young girls in Lebanon, like you, have to become leaders and advocates for change. You proved us right. Lebanon’s future will be brighter because of young people like you.

A huge thank you to the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, the British Council, and to my fellow Ambassadors and Heads of Mission for supporting the initiative.”


The competition is part of the UK’s continued commitment to women’s and girls’ rights. Today the UK’s Foreign Secretary launched the new Women and Girls Strategy to mark International Women’s Day. This strategy kicks off a new global campaign championing the rights, freedom, and potential of women and girls, putting them at the heart of the UK’s international work to tackle gender inequality across the globe.



Ambassador for a Day Lebanon 2023 Winners:


1.     Selena Daibis – Sovereign Order of Malta


2.     Joy el Esta – Embassy of Canada


3.     Charlize Farah – Embassy of Spain


4.     Elina Haber – Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon (UNSCOL)


5.     Liliane Hajj – Embassy of Australia


6.     Tala al Halmoushi – Embassy of Germany


7.     May Hamzeh – International Monetary Fund IMF


8.     Maurina Mehri – US Embassy


9.     Carole Sahyoun – Embassy of Jordan


10.  Sasha Sfeily – Embassy of Mexico


11.  Jennifer Reaidy – British Embassy


12.  Amazy Zaidan – UN Women






