Photo Illustration by Luis G. Rendon/The Daily Beast/Getty
In what may seem like a redux of the post-2020 election period that landed Fox News in hot legal waters, Trump supporters and MAGA influencers are once again raging at the conservative cable giant.
In November 2020, MAGA world’s main grievance was the network’s early Arizona election call for Joe Biden, which prompted Fox News to freak out when disgruntled viewers bolted for fringe-right outlets willing to promote election denialism. The network’s efforts to boost its sagging ratings eventually cost it $787.5 million.
And now the angry MAGA mob is calling for Fox’s head over the network’s shocking decision to fire top-rated host Tucker Carlson, arguably the most influential voice in the conservative movement and a GOP kingmaker. (Also, yes, a far-right nationalist, Jan. 6 conspiracy theorist, anti-vaxxer, Putin apologist, and proponent of the racist “Great Replacement” theory.)