Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

NNA – The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in partnership with the Ministry of Environment (MoE) and with funds from the Government of Italy through the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), has undertaken a crucial initiative to address the solid waste management challenges in the Caza of Zahle. This support aimed to rehabilitate the Hazzerta dumpsite and developed and upgraded the leachate infrastructure at Zahle#39;s solid waste facility, addressing the challenges faced by the region in solid waste management. The project also provided essential training to the municipality of Hazzerta on solid waste management. The interventions have had a significant impact on reducing the environmental impact of waste disposal and improving the health and safety of the surrounding communities.

Lebanon has been facing numerous challenges in solid waste management for the past few decades, and the ongoing economic crisis since 2019 has exacerbated these challenges. The depreciation of the local currency at the time when the revenues of public entities managing the solid waste sector remained at the depreciated local currency rates resulted in further pressure on sustaining the existing solid waste infrastructure within the country.

To that end, UNDP, in collaboration with the municipalities of Hazzerta and Zahle, has made significant strides in addressing solid waste management challenges in the Caza of Zahle. Over 2,000 tonnes of waste were successfully removed from the Hazzerta dumpsite and transported to Zahle#39;s sanitary landfill for proper disposal. Thenbsp; dumpsite area was also rehabilitated and approximately 300 poplar trees were planted to regulate and reduce surface runoff, as well as fix sediments and other soil contaminants. Additionally, the optimized waste collection scheme is estimated to result in a yearly cost savings of around USD 9,000 for the Hazzerta municipality. To ensure the sustainability of these efforts, an awareness campaign and training for the municipality of Hazzerta were conducted to optimize waste collection within the town and implement best practices for solid waste management.nbsp;

PENDING QUOTE- Minister of Environment (MoE)

These interventions were undertaken to counter the rising trend of illegal dumping activities in the country and to support the implementation of proper waste management practices at existing facilities. Furthermore, this effort has contributed to reducing the pollution of the Berdawni River, which the Hazzerta dumpsite had been allegedly contributing to for several decades.

quot;Solid waste management in Lebanon not only plays a crucial role in preserving the environment by reducing soil, water, and air pollution, it also directly influences public health and the well being of people. UNDP has mobilized $8 million for waste interventions in Zahle alone since 2020, including $1.7 million for the Solid Waste Facility. We are committed, alongside our partners like the Government of Italy and the Ministry of Environment, to reduce pollution, minimize health risks and empower the Zahle Caza and the wider Bekaa region to fully realize their agricultural potentialquot; Melanie Hauenstein, UNDP Resident Representative in Lebanon.

quot;AICS#39; strategy in the Environment sector is characterised by a holistic and integrated approach, of which solid waste management is a fundamental part. This initiative is only one of the several similar interventions across the country and it#39;s a perfect example of this strategy, linking the leachate infrastructure to the nearby AICS-funded Wastewater Treatment Plant and at the same time creating a new green and safe social space for the local communitiesquot; Alessandra Piermattei, AICS Office Director.

In addition, Zahle#39;s solid waste facility has been facing significant challenges in managing the generated leachate, a liquid waste by-product. The inadequate treatment unit and excess quantities of leachate during winter that could not be treated posed a significant challenge to the facility#39;s operations.nbsp;

UNDP recognized the critical nature of the situation and supported the municipality of Zahle in installing a new leachate treatment unit and upgrading the existing leachate collection infrastructure. The new leachate treatment unit has been operational for three months, treating thousands of leachate quantities and discharging them into the wastewater network, which feeds into the neighboring wastewater treatment facility. Moreover, UNDP provided the municipality of Zahle with comprehensive assessment reports and training documents to improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of its solid waste facility. This intervention has played a vital role in mitigating the environmental impact of solid waste disposal and improved the health and safety of the surrounding communities.

As part of its ongoing efforts to support Lebanon#39;s sustainable development goals, AICS is collaborating with UNDP to help Lebanese communities overcome the challenges they currently face. Through the promotion of infrastructure development in various sectors, this partnership is fostering structural improvements and enabling communities to overcome current challenges in a sustainable way. By working together to address critical issues such as solid waste management, AICS and UNDP are demonstrating their commitment to building a more sustainable, and prosperous future for Lebanon.

UNDP has been working in the solid waste management sector since 2008 with a total budget of nearly $60 million.nbsp; Projects include the management of rubble and debris, specialised waste streams such as medical and infectious waste, the construction of landfills and municipal waste treatment facilities, the provision of needed collection equipment and suppliers for municipalities and host communities as well as policy and technical support to the Government of Lebanon.

UNDP is working in Lebanon since 1986 as a development partner supporting economic recovery, including working with municipalities to deliver basic services to host communities, promoting clean energy and solid waste management, strengthening governance and rule of law, providing support to elections, and working on empowering women and youth.




