Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

NNA – A Palestinian youth was Thursday killed, while three others injured and dozens suffocated, during confrontations that broke out with Israeli forces in the eastern area of the occupied West Bank city of Nablus after Israeli forces raided area of Joseph#39;s Tomb shrine.

WAFA correspondent said that large forces of the occupation army stormed the eastern area in order to secure the settlers#39; storming of Joseph#39;s Tomb shrine, and also closed Amman Street with dirt mounds.

The Ministry of Health confirmed Bader al-Masri, 19, succumbed to his wounds, while three others were injured with live bullets.

Two of the casualties were described as critical. They were transferred to Rafidia Hospital.

The director of the Red Crescent Ambulance and Emergency Center in Nablus, Ahmed Jibril, said that the occupation forces prevented the Red Crescent ambulance from reaching a 12-day-old infant who was severely suffocated by gas in the Dahiyeh area, noting that 30 citizens suffocated.

He pointed out that the occupation forces targeted, with rubber-coated metal bullets, an ambulance, while it was transporting a patient near Balata refugee camp, which broke its windshield.

Hundreds of settlers stormed Joseph#39;s Tomb shrine under strict protection by the occupation forces. —-WAFA

