Terrifying elementary school kidnapping attempt when a masked man walks into the grounds and tries to snatch a fourth-year girl from the hallway
South Australian police said unknown man walked into Glenelg Primary School
Fourth grade student was grabbed from a hallway and carried down the stairs
The little girl kicked and screamed and managed to break away from the man
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A little girl has broken away from a masked man who walked into an elementary school and tried to kidnap her.
South Australian police said the unidentified man walked into Glenelg Primary School in Adelaide around 10am on Tuesday.
Witnesses said the child robber ran up the stairs and grabbed the fourth-year student from a hallway.
The fourth grade student was grabbed from a hallway at Glenelg Primary School in Adelaide
She was dragged down, kicking and screaming – before luckily managed to escape.
Police rushed to the school but could not be found.
According to a statement, a man is described as 180 cm tall, bald and wearing a long light blue shirt, black pants, a black face mask and a hat.