<!-- wp:html --><p>Photo Illustration by Thomas Levinson/The Daily Beast/Getty/Oklahoma State Department of Education</p>
<p>Bomb threats against public schools in Tulsa, Oklahoma, <a href="https://www.unionps.org/343797_2?articleID=141250">continued to pour in on Tuesday</a> as right-wing indignation over a <a href="https://www.tiktok.com/@kirbymacks/video/7268771283498814763?_r=1&_t=8f5kOJTM4t8">satirical TikTok video</a> posted earlier this month by a local educator enters its second week.</p>
<p>Large numbers of students have reportedly <a href="https://tulsaworld.com/news/local/crime-courts/more-school-bomb-threats-keep-investigators-busy-parents-worried/article_89b4b9f2-4350-11ee-9260-dbd6c22abf62.html">stayed home</a> in the wake of the threats, which set the city of just over 400,000 on edge.</p>
<p>At the same time, the state’s 38-year-old <a href="https://sde.ok.gov/superintendent">Superintendent of Public Instruction</a>—who <a href="https://twitter.com/RyanWaltersSupt/status/1693977016045912308">helped stoke outrage</a> over the supposed intentions of a “woke” school librarian—now stands accused of ignoring ongoing child abuse allegedly taking place right under his nose.</p>
<p><a href="https://www.thedailybeast.com/oklahoma-kids-in-peril-as-anti-woke-official-ryan-walters-rages-online-parents-claim">Read more at The Daily Beast.</a></p><!-- /wp:html -->
Photo Illustration by Thomas Levinson/The Daily Beast/Getty/Oklahoma State Department of Education
Bomb threats against public schools in Tulsa, Oklahoma, continued to pour in on Tuesday as right-wing indignation over a satirical TikTok video posted earlier this month by a local educator enters its second week.
Large numbers of students have reportedly stayed home in the wake of the threats, which set the city of just over 400,000 on edge.
At the same time, the state’s 38-year-old Superintendent of Public Instruction—who helped stoke outrage over the supposed intentions of a “woke” school librarian—now stands accused of ignoring ongoing child abuse allegedly taking place right under his nose.