Fri. Jul 5th, 2024

NNA – With the launch of the Structured Dialogue series, the European Union Delegation in Lebanon and Transparency International Lebanon marked a significant milestone. Held on Tuesday, September 12th, this event gathered forty participants from Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) including local and international NGOs and academics, representing diverse voices across various sectors.

They collectively shared a common mission: to drive critical reforms addressing Lebanon#39;s most pressing priorities. ldquo;The European Union remains committed to the partnership with civil society in Lebanon, says Alessandra Viezzer, Head of Cooperation at the EU Delegation in Lebanon in her introductory address. This EU Structured Dialogue will be the first of a series, aiming to raise the voice of CSOs in a strategic, regular and transparent mannerrdquo;.

Julien Courson, the Executive Director of Transparency International Lebanon, emphasized the opportunity the Structured Dialogue provides for civil society organizations in Lebanon through actively getting involved and engaged in contributing to informed decision-making and driving positive change.

Structured into three engaging roundtable discussions, the participants then delved into the key areas of enhancing good governance, supporting policy reforms, fostering an inclusive and resilient economy, and promoting green and sustainable recovery initiatives.

The Structured Dialogue falls under the EU-funded BINA#39; -Building Integrity and National Accountability- project, jointly executed by Transparency International, Transparency International Lebanon and the Lebanese Center for Policy Studies (LCPS). It aims to offer a substantial stride toward realizing meaningful reforms in Lebanon through mobilizing collective civil society action. These efforts also align towards the effective implementation of the collective governance model under the Reforms, Reconstruction and Recovery Framework (3RF).

For those interested in participating in future EU Structured Dialogues or becoming a part of the BINArsquo; project, dedicated to empowering civil society organizations, promoting transparency, and advocating for better reforms, we invite you to reach out to Transparency International Lebanon.

Transparency International Lebanon (TI-LB) was established in 1999 with the aim of reducing rampant corruption in Lebanon, promoting the principles of transparency and accountability, establishing the rule of law and respecting the fundamental rights inaugurated in international laws and the Lebanese Constitution, by focusing on systematic improvement, building alliances, and encouraging civil society organizations to take measures towards transparency and accountability. TI-LB later became the national chapter of Transparency International (TI).

TI-LB has worked to enhance transparency in the public and private sectors in Lebanon for more than a decade, by implementing a number of projects that ranged from contributing to the development to lobbying the anti-corruption laws (such as the draft law on the Right to Access to Information, the Whistleblowers Protection Law, the Asset and Interest Declaration and the Punishment of Illicit Enrichment Law etc….), and the monitoring of parliamentary and municipal elections since 2009, in addition to other projects aimed at empowering youth and municipalities on issues related to good governance.









