Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

Don’t Let Politicians Normalize the Dehumanization of Palestinians<!-- wp:html --><p>Mustafa Hassona / Getty </p> <p><em>“In war, truth is the first casualty.” — Aeschylus, ancient Greek playwright, often described as the father of tragedy.</em></p> <p>In the midst of conflict, analysts and policymakers should always be aware that words have meaning, and impact on real life events. At home in America, as well as within <a href="">Israel</a>/<a href="">Palestine</a>, we have seen how that happens, with disastrous effect.</p> <p>The <a href="">Islamophobic murder of a young boy in Illinois</a> over the weekend only reminds us how our rhetoric about events happening far away can have deleterious consequences at home.</p> <p><a href="">Read more at The Daily Beast.</a></p><!-- /wp:html -->

Mustafa Hassona / Getty

“In war, truth is the first casualty.” — Aeschylus, ancient Greek playwright, often described as the father of tragedy.

In the midst of conflict, analysts and policymakers should always be aware that words have meaning, and impact on real life events. At home in America, as well as within Israel/Palestine, we have seen how that happens, with disastrous effect.

The Islamophobic murder of a young boy in Illinois over the weekend only reminds us how our rhetoric about events happening far away can have deleterious consequences at home.

Read more at The Daily Beast.
