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<p>…and that means it’s time to try cricket.</p>
<p><span class="image_fluidImageContainer__r9D8j"><span class="AspectRatio_container__FC_XH image_aspectRatioContainer__YJvUH"></span></span>(Getty)</p>
<p>The weather has been miserable in Melbourne for days, but the sun is shining this morning so we should be playing a lot.</p>
<p>The draw isn’t too far away, so we should have a better idea of how the day will play out before long.</p>
<p>Simon Smale and I will bring you all the updates as they happen.</p>
<p><a href="https://whatsnew2day.com/live-boxing-day-test-begins-at-mcg-against-pakistan/">Live: Boxing Day Test begins at MCG against Pakistan</a></p><!-- /wp:html -->