Sat. Sep 28th, 2024

‘The Curse’ Comes Dangerously Close to the Legal Limit<!-- wp:html --><p>Showtime</p> <p>This jeans situation has gotten out of hand on <a href=""><em>The Curse</em></a>. Or rather, should I say, it’s getting out of <em>store</em>, because that’s where all the jeans are going. Okay, bad joke. But it’s better than anything Asher (<a href="">Nathan Fielder</a>) would’ve come up with. Low bar to set, but still.</p> <p>We start this week’s episode with a bunch of teens gossiping while driving to an unknown location. There, they reveal their plan: One of their brothers has been stealing expensive pants from Iosheka Jeans, and no one’s ever stopped him. The plan is to grab an armful and sell them online.</p> <p>We know Whitney (<a href="">Emma Stone</a>) is footing the bill for the stolen goods, but these kids don’t. “Is it, like, a promotion or something?” one of them asks Enola (Rosie B. Molina), the cashier who is charging the jeans to Whitney’s card and doesn’t care about stopping thieves. Fernando (Christopher D. Calderon) had been calling the cops on shoplifters, so Whitney, in all her white-savior glory, ends the 911 calls by paying for anything stolen. Good going.</p> <p><a href="">Read more at The Daily Beast.</a></p><!-- /wp:html -->


This jeans situation has gotten out of hand on The Curse. Or rather, should I say, it’s getting out of store, because that’s where all the jeans are going. Okay, bad joke. But it’s better than anything Asher (Nathan Fielder) would’ve come up with. Low bar to set, but still.

We start this week’s episode with a bunch of teens gossiping while driving to an unknown location. There, they reveal their plan: One of their brothers has been stealing expensive pants from Iosheka Jeans, and no one’s ever stopped him. The plan is to grab an armful and sell them online.

We know Whitney (Emma Stone) is footing the bill for the stolen goods, but these kids don’t. “Is it, like, a promotion or something?” one of them asks Enola (Rosie B. Molina), the cashier who is charging the jeans to Whitney’s card and doesn’t care about stopping thieves. Fernando (Christopher D. Calderon) had been calling the cops on shoplifters, so Whitney, in all her white-savior glory, ends the 911 calls by paying for anything stolen. Good going.

Read more at The Daily Beast.
