Scott Everett White/Netflix
If you, like me, are a millennial just on the fringe of Gen Z, Christmas has come early this morning, in the form of the first trailer for Netflix’s highly anticipated new holiday film, Falling for Christmas. But this isn’t just any old, cheesy Netflix Christmas movie dumped on the streamer alongside the dozens of other originals each year. This one’s got a secret weapon, a presence so captivating that not even Netflix’s trusty Vanessa Hudgens can compete. It’s the world’s most tenacious redhead: Lindsay Lohan.
That’s right. You heard me! Grab your iPod classic. Open up your windows to sing to the birds. The sun is shining and we’ve turned back the clock to a far simpler time. It’s 2006. The Dawn of the Lohanaissance is upon us. Rejoice, rejoice, Emmanuel (or whatever they say in that one song; I don’t know—it wasn’t on either of Lindsay Lohan’s two studio albums)!
Falling for Christmas is Lohan’s first major film role since 2013’s much-maligned (and misunderstood) The Canyons—if you don’t count her 2019 werewolf D-movie, Among the Shadows, which no one does. Netflix clearly knows that her return to the screen will be a treat for viewers, as evidenced by Lohan whipping a sleep mask off her face to reveal herself in the trailer’s intro, which I assume would elicit hooting and hollering if this were to play in theaters.