Mon. Jan 6th, 2025

NNA – On the eve of Russia-Africa Summit, the Russian Embassy in Beirut on Monday shared an article penned by Russian President, Vladimir Putin, titled ldquo;Russia andnbsp;Africa: Joining Efforts fornbsp;Peace, Progress andnbsp;anbsp;Successful Futureldquo;. The following is the full text of the aforementioned article:nbsp;

ldquo;St Petersburg will host thenbsp;second Russia-Africa Summit andnbsp;Russia-Africa Economic andnbsp;Humanitarian Forum. Onnbsp;thenbsp;eve ofnbsp;these large-scale representative events which will bring together heads ofnbsp;state andnbsp;government, entrepreneurs, academia andnbsp;public figures, Inbsp;would like tonbsp;share mynbsp;vision ofnbsp;thenbsp;development ofnbsp;Russia-Africa relations with thenbsp;readers ofnbsp;thenbsp;leading media onnbsp;thenbsp;African continent, outlining priority cooperation areas fornbsp;thenbsp;coming decades ofnbsp;thenbsp;21stnbsp;century.

Thenbsp;partnership relations between our country andnbsp;Africa have strong, deep roots andnbsp;have always been distinguished bynbsp;stability, trust andnbsp;goodwill. We have consistently supported African peoples innbsp;their struggle fornbsp;liberation from colonial oppression. We have provided assistance innbsp;developing statehood, strengthening their sovereignty andnbsp;defence capability. Much has been done tonbsp;create sustainable foundations fornbsp;national economies. Bynbsp;thenbsp;mid-1980s, with thenbsp;participation ofnbsp;our specialists, over 330 large infrastructure andnbsp;industrial facilities have been built innbsp;Africa, such asnbsp;power plants, irrigation systems, industrial andnbsp;agricultural enterprises, which are successfully operating tonbsp;this day, andnbsp;continue tonbsp;make anbsp;significant contribution tonbsp;thenbsp;continentrsquo;s economic development. Tens ofnbsp;thousands ofnbsp;African doctors, technical specialists, engineers, officers andnbsp;teachers have received education innbsp;Russia.

Inbsp;would like tonbsp;specifically mention thenbsp;traditionally close cooperation onnbsp;thenbsp;world stage, thenbsp;firm andnbsp;consistent advocacy rendered bynbsp;thenbsp;USSR andnbsp;then Russia tonbsp;African countries atnbsp;international fora. We have always strictly adhered tonbsp;thenbsp;ldquo;African solutions tonbsp;African problemsrdquo; principle, standing innbsp;solidarity with Africans innbsp;their struggle fornbsp;self-determination, justice andnbsp;their legitimate rights. We have never tried tonbsp;impose onnbsp;partners our own ideas about thenbsp;internal structure, forms andnbsp;methods ofnbsp;management, development goals andnbsp;ways tonbsp;achieve them. Unchanged remains our respect fornbsp;thenbsp;sovereignty ofnbsp;African states, their traditions andnbsp;values, their desire tonbsp;independently determine their own destiny andnbsp;freely build relationships with partners.

We highly value thenbsp;honestly-gained capital ofnbsp;friendship andnbsp;cooperation, traditions ofnbsp;trust andnbsp;mutual support that Russia andnbsp;African countries share. We are brought together bynbsp;anbsp;common desire tonbsp;shape anbsp;system ofnbsp;relations based onnbsp;thenbsp;priority ofnbsp;international law, respect fornbsp;national interests, indivisibility ofnbsp;security, andnbsp;recognition ofnbsp;thenbsp;central coordinating role ofnbsp;thenbsp;United Nations.

Today, thenbsp;constructive, trustful, forward-looking partnership between Russia andnbsp;Africa is especially significant andnbsp;important. Major centres ofnbsp;economic andnbsp;political power andnbsp;influence are emerging innbsp;thenbsp;world, which are asserting themselves more andnbsp;more insistently, demanding that they be reckoned with. We are sure that anbsp;new multipolar world order, thenbsp;contours ofnbsp;which are already seen, will be more just andnbsp;democratic. Andnbsp;there is no doubt that Africa, along with Asia, thenbsp;Middle East andnbsp;Latin America, will take its worthy place innbsp;it andnbsp;finally free itself from thenbsp;bitter legacy ofnbsp;colonialism andnbsp;neo-colonialism, rejecting its modern practices.

Russia welcomes thenbsp;rising international authority ofnbsp;individual states asnbsp;well asnbsp;Africa asnbsp;anbsp;whole, their desire tonbsp;make their voices strongly heard andnbsp;tonbsp;take thenbsp;continent#39;s problems into their own hands. We have always supported thenbsp;constructive initiatives ofnbsp;our partners. We stand fornbsp;granting African countries their rightful place innbsp;thenbsp;structures that determine thenbsp;worldrsquo;s fate, including thenbsp;UN Security Council andnbsp;thenbsp;G20, asnbsp;well asnbsp;fornbsp;reforming thenbsp;global financial andnbsp;trade institutions innbsp;anbsp;way that meets their interests.

Regrettably, we see that thenbsp;situation innbsp;thenbsp;world today is far from stable. Thenbsp;long-standing conflicts that exist innbsp;nearly every region are deepening, andnbsp;new threats andnbsp;challenges are emerging. Andnbsp;Africa feels thenbsp;burden ofnbsp;global challenges like no other part ofnbsp;thenbsp;world. Innbsp;such anbsp;challenging environment, we look forward tonbsp;working with our African partners tonbsp;shape anbsp;non-discriminatory agenda fornbsp;cooperation. Thenbsp;strategic areas ofnbsp;our interaction are set bynbsp;thenbsp;decisions ofnbsp;thenbsp;first Russia-Africa Summit held innbsp;Sochi innbsp;late Octobernbsp;2019. Thenbsp;Russia-Africa Partnership Forum was established fornbsp;their effective implementation. We have set up bilateral intergovernmental commissions fornbsp;trade, economic, scientific andnbsp;technological cooperation with many countries ofnbsp;thenbsp;continent, andnbsp;thenbsp;network ofnbsp;Russian embassies andnbsp;trade missions innbsp;Africa will be expanded. Further instruments are being actively developed tonbsp;better structure economic relations andnbsp;make them more dynamic.

Inbsp;would like tonbsp;note with satisfaction that Russiarsquo;s trade turnover with thenbsp;African countries increased innbsp;2022 andnbsp;reached almost 18nbsp;billion US dollars. However, we are all well aware that thenbsp;potential ofnbsp;our trade andnbsp;economic partnership is much higher. Russian companies are interested innbsp;working more actively onnbsp;thenbsp;continent innbsp;thenbsp;sphere ofnbsp;high technologies andnbsp;geological exploration, innbsp;thenbsp;fuel andnbsp;energy complex, including nuclear power, innbsp;thenbsp;chemical industry, mining andnbsp;transport engineering, agriculture andnbsp;fishery. Thenbsp;changes taking place innbsp;thenbsp;world require thenbsp;search fornbsp;solutions related tonbsp;thenbsp;establishment ofnbsp;new transport andnbsp;logistical chains, thenbsp;formation ofnbsp;anbsp;monetary andnbsp;financial system, andnbsp;mechanisms ofnbsp;mutual settlements that are safe andnbsp;free from unfavourable external impacts.

We understand thenbsp;importance ofnbsp;uninterrupted food supplies fornbsp;thenbsp;socio-economic development andnbsp;political stability ofnbsp;thenbsp;African states. Onnbsp;this basis, we have always paid great attention tonbsp;issues related tonbsp;thenbsp;supply ofnbsp;wheat, barley, maize andnbsp;other crops tonbsp;African countries. We have done so both onnbsp;anbsp;contractual basis andnbsp;free ofnbsp;charge asnbsp;humanitarian aid, including through thenbsp;United Nations Food Programme. Thus, innbsp;2022, Russia exported 11.5nbsp;million tonnes ofnbsp;grain tonbsp;Africa, andnbsp;almost 10nbsp;million tonnes more were delivered innbsp;thenbsp;first half ofnbsp;2023nbsp;ndash; despite thenbsp;sanctions imposed onnbsp;our exports, which severely hamper thenbsp;supply ofnbsp;Russian food products tonbsp;developing countries, complicating transport logistics, insurance arrangements andnbsp;bank payments.

Many have probably heard ofnbsp;thenbsp;so-called ldquo;grain deal,rdquo; whose initial purpose was tonbsp;ensure global food security, reduce thenbsp;threat ofnbsp;hunger andnbsp;help thenbsp;poorest countries ofnbsp;Africa, Asia andnbsp;Latin Americanbsp;ndash; thenbsp;reason why Russia undertook thenbsp;obligation tonbsp;facilitate its implementation innbsp;thenbsp;first place. This ldquo;deal,rdquo; however, while it was publicly advertised bynbsp;thenbsp;West asnbsp;anbsp;gesture ofnbsp;goodwill that benefited Africa, has innbsp;fact been shamelessly used solely fornbsp;thenbsp;enrichment ofnbsp;large US andnbsp;European businesses that exported andnbsp;resold grain from Ukraine.

Judge fornbsp;yourselves: innbsp;almost anbsp;year, anbsp;total ofnbsp;32.8nbsp;million tonnes ofnbsp;supplies were exported from Ukraine under thenbsp;ldquo;deal,rdquo; with over 70nbsp;percent ofnbsp;thenbsp;exports ending up innbsp;high- andnbsp;upper-middle-income countries, including innbsp;thenbsp;European Union, whereas such countries asnbsp;Ethiopia, Sudan andnbsp;Somalia, asnbsp;well asnbsp;Yemen andnbsp;Afghanistan, received less than 3nbsp;percent ofnbsp;thenbsp;supplies, i.e. less than one million tonnes.

Innbsp;thenbsp;meantime, none ofnbsp;thenbsp;ldquo;dealrdquo; provisions relating tonbsp;thenbsp;exemption from sanctions ofnbsp;Russian grain andnbsp;fertiliser exports tonbsp;world markets, were fulfilled. Moreover, barriers have been mounted even tonbsp;our attempts tonbsp;supply free ofnbsp;charge mineral fertilisers tonbsp;thenbsp;poorest countries innbsp;need. Ofnbsp;262,000nbsp;tonnes ofnbsp;goods blocked innbsp;European ports, only two shipments were deliverednbsp;ndash; one ofnbsp;20,000nbsp;tonnes tonbsp;Malawi andnbsp;one ofnbsp;34,000nbsp;tonnes tonbsp;Kenya. Thenbsp;rest is still unscrupulously held bynbsp;thenbsp;Europeans. Andnbsp;this is anbsp;purely humanitarian initiative we are talking about, which should be exempt from any sanctions asnbsp;such.

Considering all these facts, there is no longer any use innbsp;continuing thenbsp;ldquo;grain dealrdquo; asnbsp;it has failed tonbsp;serve its original humanitarian purpose. We argued against further extending thenbsp;ldquo;deal,rdquo; which terminated asnbsp;ofnbsp;Julynbsp;18.

Inbsp;want tonbsp;give assurances that our country is capable ofnbsp;replacing thenbsp;Ukrainian grain both onnbsp;anbsp;commercial andnbsp;free-of-charge basis, especially asnbsp;we expect another record harvest this year.

Notwithstanding thenbsp;sanctions, Russia will continue its energetic efforts tonbsp;provide supplies ofnbsp;grain, food products, fertilisers andnbsp;other goods tonbsp;Africa. We highly value andnbsp;will further develop thenbsp;full spectrum ofnbsp;economic ties with Africanbsp;ndash; with individual states asnbsp;well asnbsp;regional integration associations and, naturally, with thenbsp;African Union. We welcome this organisation#39;s strategic course towards further economic integration andnbsp;thenbsp;formation ofnbsp;thenbsp;African Continental Free Trade Area. We are ready tonbsp;build pragmatic, mutually beneficial relations, including within thenbsp;framework ofnbsp;thenbsp;Eurasian Economic Union. We are also willing tonbsp;step up cooperation with other regional integration organisations onnbsp;thenbsp;continent.

Innbsp;keeping with thenbsp;existing tradition, we intend tonbsp;continue providing assistance tonbsp;African states innbsp;building their national human resource capacity. There are currently about 35nbsp;thousand students from thenbsp;continent innbsp;Russia, more than 6,000 ofnbsp;them receive Russian government scholarships. Each year we increase thenbsp;number ofnbsp;scholarships, promote paid higher education options andnbsp;facilitate inter-university ties, which have gained significant momentum innbsp;recent times.

Bringing humanitarian, cultural, sports andnbsp;mass media cooperation tonbsp;anbsp;whole new level would serve our common interests. Inbsp;would like tonbsp;seize this opportunity tonbsp;invite our young African friends tonbsp;thenbsp;World Youth Festival, which will take place innbsp;Sochi, Russia, innbsp;Marchnbsp;2024. This large-scale international forum will bring together more than 20,000 participants from more than 180nbsp;countries fornbsp;annbsp;informal, friendly andnbsp;open dialogue that is free from ideological andnbsp;political barriers, racial andnbsp;religious prejudice andnbsp;would consolidate thenbsp;young generation around thenbsp;ideals ofnbsp;lasting andnbsp;durable peace, prosperity andnbsp;creative spirit.

Innbsp;conclusion, Inbsp;would like tonbsp;reiterate that we attach great importance tonbsp;thenbsp;upcoming second Russiandash;Africa Summit. We expect that thenbsp;Summit would adopt anbsp;comprehensive Declaration, anbsp;number ofnbsp;joint statements andnbsp;approve thenbsp;Russianbsp;ndash; Africa Partnership Forum Action Plan tonbsp;2026. We are working tonbsp;prepare annbsp;impressive package ofnbsp;intergovernmental andnbsp;inter‑agency agreements andnbsp;memoranda with individual states asnbsp;well asnbsp;regional associations ofnbsp;thenbsp;continent.

Inbsp;am looking forward tonbsp;welcoming thenbsp;African leaders innbsp;St. Petersburg andnbsp;stand committed tonbsp;anbsp;fruitful constructive dialogue. Inbsp;firmly believe that thenbsp;decisions adopted atnbsp;thenbsp;Summit andnbsp;Forum, coupled with continuous diversified joint work will contribute tonbsp;further development ofnbsp;Russian‑African strategic partnership fornbsp;thenbsp;benefit ofnbsp;our countries andnbsp;peoples.rdquo;



