Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

Donald Trump on his way to victory in New Hampshire<!-- wp:html --><p>The first figures from the Republican primaries in New Hampshire indicate a close result, but a clear victory for Donald Trump. The polling station doors in Derry, New Hampshire have just closed. The race that will determine the Republican candidate on the ballot hinges on just two contenders: Donald Trump and Nikki Haley. It will be difficult for Ms. Haley to continue her campaign if she is unable to closely match Trump’s dominance. The South Carolina primaries are a month away, with Super Tuesday in March. </p><!-- /wp:html -->

The first figures from the Republican primaries in New Hampshire indicate a close result, but a clear victory for Donald Trump. The polling station doors in Derry, New Hampshire have just closed. The race that will determine the Republican candidate on the ballot hinges on just two contenders: Donald Trump and Nikki Haley. It will be difficult for Ms. Haley to continue her campaign if she is unable to closely match Trump’s dominance. The South Carolina primaries are a month away, with Super Tuesday in March.
