Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Tag: 40,000

Hong Kong parents pay me $40,000 to get their kids into top US colleges. Helping families cope with the stress of admissions is a big part of my job.
I moved from New York to Taiwan for work. I had to take a pay cut to my $40,000 salary — but I have no regrets.

A 21-year-old won $40,000 for using AI to read the first word on a 2,000-year-old papyrus scroll buried by Mount Vesuvius
Venezuelan flag planted on Texas island by brazen migrants is taken down by DPS Tactical Marine unit as United Nations intervenes in crisis with program to pre-screen 40,000 asylum seekers in Mexico

San Francisco Mayor London Breed claims the city is a ‘punching bag’ from crime headlines in the Bay Area as it grapples with 40,000 homeless people and brazen smash-and-grab robberies
Breaking:: Canada’s Job Market Gains 40,000 Positions in August, Yet Faces 100,000 Additional Workforce Entrants