Mon. Feb 3rd, 2025

Tag: addict

I’m a meth addict mum. My baby was born shaking and suffering withdrawals from ice – this is why I couldn’t stop
Melbourne’s Richmond injecting room: Single photo of addict clutching a syringes= sparks uproar

Jurors rule that a methamphetamine addict in California bears 80 percent responsibility for his death during a police encounter

 – WhatsNew2Day
Drug addict prompted by onlookers’ laughter to cut and EAT pet hamster jailed for a year

Cannabis addict who stabbed his grandmother to death is cleared of her murder
‘Porn addict’ Kanye West showed Yeezy team explicit images of Kim Kardashian say bombshell claims

Parkland Shooter Doesn’t Deserve to Die Because Addict Mom ‘Broke’ His Brain, Defense Insists