Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

Tag: ‘are

Ex-Russian operative who visited the front in Ukraine says Russian troops are in disarray due to a ‘crisis of strategic planning’
Online shopping portals are an effortless way to earn bonus cash back and travel rewards — here’s how they work

Credit card reward trends reveal that millennials are saving while Gen Z is donating to charity
“WHERE ARE YOU GOING, DUDE?” Cellphone Thief Hilariously Stopped By Locked Door

Sydney fortune teller accused of scamming thousands of mothers, telling them they are cursed
Topless beaches are APPROVED on Nantucket, topping the $300 fine for women

Two US students ‘are raped by 34-year-old taxi driver who pounced near their Rome lodgings’
Questions about Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover bleed into his pay-package trial, annoying Musk: ‘Are we in the Tesla trial or Twitter trial?’

ANOTHER hospital system goes down in cyberattack: Half a million records in Texas ‘are leaked’
Trump boasted of getting on with strongmen like Putin and Erdogan better ‘the tougher and meaner they are’ in new audio