Sun. Dec 15th, 2024

Tag: bashed

Black Food Truck Owner Savagely Bashed by Man Yelling N-Word, Lawyer Says
Putin allies bashed Russia’s retreat from a city in Ukraine, calling military leaders ‘garbage’ and saying they should be sent ‘barefoot with machine guns straight to the front’

Trump bashed Fox News for ‘pushing’ the Democrats’ agenda and said if CNN ‘went conservative’ they’d be an ‘absolute gold mine’ and he’d help them do it
Trump baselessly bashed Obama for transferring records from the White House to Chicago. Here’s why Obama was allowed while Trump is under scrutiny by the FBI.

NSW Police chief Bob Fitzgerald allegedly bashed with bike seat pole at Rooty Hill train station
Hungary’s leader Viktor Orbán bashed Western Europeans for ‘mixing with non-Europeans’ and said Hungarians ‘do not want to become a mixed race’