Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

Tag: front-line

Russia’s air force took control of the skies before seizing victory in a front-line fight, and it could be ‘devastating’ for Ukraine if it continues, war experts say

US sailors on a front-line destroyer in the Red Sea sometimes have just seconds to open fire on enemy missiles
Front-line Ukrainian soldier says the Russians basically ‘have it all’ when it comes to weapons, but tanks are probably among the more terrifying

Russia is likely using Ukraine’s freezing winter to ramp up its front-line assaults — but its losses are soaring, British intelligence says
Ukraine’s front-line forces are trying to fight their way through Russia’s formidable Surovikin Line. Here’s what that is.

Front-line tank crews in Ukraine are spending their down time waging war in the video game ‘World of Tanks’
Striking photos of the Ukraine war’s front-line trenches echo scenes from the World Wars

Front-line NATO allies worry they could be next after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and are getting ready for a fight
‘If you stay, you will die’: How one front-line volunteer is saving lives in Ukraine’s Donbas