Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Tag: layoffs

These 6 CEOs are taking pay cuts to prevent more layoffs and fight tough times as industrywide reductions persist
Meta’s layoffs were expensive — it may have spent more than $88,000 per employee to cut 11,000 from the ranks

A tech CEO apologized for quoting Martin Luther King Jr. when announcing layoffs, calling it ‘inappropriate and insensitive’
‘Search unlikely to be uprooted by ChatGPT’: From AI competition to massive layoffs, here’s what Wall Street is watching for in Alphabet’s 4th-quarter earnings

A software engineer at Google went on bereavement leave after his mom died from cancer. 4 days after returning to work, he found out he was part of the mass layoffs.
The massive wave of layoffs is giving tech workers a brutal wake-up call about the reality of work

Mark Zuckerberg reportedly said he doesn’t like seeing ‘managers managing managers,’ fueling speculation of more layoffs
A Google engineer of 8 years says his ‘spidey-senses’ detected incoming layoffs — and felt ‘isolated’ when his ‘faceless’ severance email arrived

The Washington Post Begins Layoffs After Months of Turmoil
Inside Google’s all-hands meeting: Layoffs shatter the company’s aura of stability and abundance.