Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

Tag: racial

North Korea claims Travis King, the US soldier who ran into its territory, was unhappy with ‘racial discrimination’ and an ‘unequal society’ in America
Civil rights groups sue Tennessee over the state’s GOP-drawn congressional and state Senate maps, calling the boundaries ‘unconstitutional racial gerrymandering’

Tyrese Gibson accuses Home Depot of racial profiling and discrimination in $1 million lawsuit related to February incident in West Hills, Calif.
MLS host Kaylyn Kyle apologizes for claiming former US manager Bruce Arena ‘is being investigated for racial slur’ – as she insists she had “no basis for saying what I said” on the Sirius XM radio show

VCU Sparks Student, Faculty Revolt After Nixing ‘Racial Literacy’ Requirement
Soul Music Festival’s Choice of Venue Leaves Racial Justice Activists Aghast

The ‘Global Majority’ is a sinister and insulting term for anyone who is not white – this fashionable new phrase only peddles racial division, no matter the new jargon they invent to disguise it, writes NANA AKUA

France’s police dilemma: ‘How to combat racial profiling without talking about race’
Mike Pence, who supported the Supreme Court’s affirmative action ruling, doesn’t think there’s racial inequality in education