Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

Tag: real-estate

Real-estate lender NYCB is in turmoil, shredding nerves on Wall Street
New rules for banks would be the ‘end of real-estate finance as we know it,’ MBA says

Movers are betting big on the Las Vegas real-estate market
6 photos and stats that put into perspective the sheer size of Evergrande, China’s dying real-estate giant that has $300 billion in debt

Elite investor Grant Cardone predicts a historic real-estate slump will slash office and apartment values to bargain levels
Virtual-reality tech is helping real-estate agents and homebuyers save time and close deals — even remotely

Selling your home without a real-estate agent comes with a lot of grunt work, but could save you thousands. Here’s how one owner did it.
The ultimate real-estate guide: Where homes are most affordable, prices have the most upside, taxes and closing costs are lowest, and rents are falling the fastest