Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

Tag: shrinking

Yes, the moon is shrinking but that’s not the disturbing news scientists discovered that could threaten future NASA missions
Bank credit is shrinking for the first time since the Great Recession – and that’s a red flag for the economy

Wayne LaPierre’s brain is shrinking, and he is too ill to commit to all-day testimony in his NRA corruption trial, new court filing says
NASA scientists think some planets are shrinking because powerful radiation from their cores is pushing away their atmospheres

While Western states fight tooth-and-nail over the shrinking the Colorado River, Arizona has let water flow freely — in part to feed cows in Saudi Arabia
Argentina will pay for Chinese imports in yuan instead of dollars to preserve its shrinking greenback reserves

‘Dear Edward’ and ‘Shrinking’: TV Really Wants Us to Cry About Therapy and Grief
6 western states agreed on a plan to make major cuts to water usage from the shrinking Colorado River, but California — the largest user of them all — wouldn’t get on board