NNA – Member of the ldquo;Democratic Gatheringrdquo; parliamentary bloc, MP Wael Abu Faour, called on the Syrian regimersquo;s allies in Lebanon to ldquo;pressure the regime to prevent the influx of displaced Syrians into Lebanon and return them to Syria.rdquo;
He stressed that ldquo;the radical solution is for the displaced to return and oblige the regime to do so, but at the present time, it is necessary to establish temporary shelter centers for them on the border between the two countries and oblige the United Nations and international organizations to bear the cost of establishing these camps and to provide services to the displaced Syrians in them instead of providing them in the Lebanese regions.quot;
Abu Faour expressed concern that the Syrian displacement issue has become a major national crisis that requires responsible national remediesnbsp;and a single national position, to be placed on the table of the Arab and international communities so that everyone can bear their responsibilities towards this crisis.
He also warned of some attemtps in Lebanon to exploit the displacement issue to try to serve the regime in Syria by calling for either deporting them at sea or reconsidering the Caesar Act.
quot;Those who demand a solution to this crisis, at a minimum, should give up their political positions and attend the Council of Ministers sessions to come up with a national plan agreed upon by all Lebanese in the Lebanese government that will be implementable,quot; Abu Faour underlined.
The MP#39;s words came during a visit today to the Rashaya Official Middle School where he inspected the maintanance works undetaken in its premises.