Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

NNA -nbsp;In a strong statement issued today, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Tuuml;rk condemned the resumption of hostilities in Gaza, labeling the situation as catastrophic.

Tuuml;rk emphasized the urgent need for all involved parties and influential states to intensify their efforts for an immediate ceasefire, grounded in humanitarian and human rights principles.

Expressing deep concern over plans by Israeli political and military leaders to expand and intensify the ongoing military offensive, Tuuml;rk highlighted the dire consequences of this escalation.

Thousands of Palestinians have already lost their lives since October, with many more facing imminent danger or displacement to already overburdened areas of Gaza.

Highlighting Israel#39;s obligations as the occupying power under international humanitarian law, Tuuml;rk stressed the necessity of meeting the basic needs of Gaza#39;s population, including food, water, and medical care.

The Commissioner reminded all parties of their duty to ensure unhindered passage of humanitarian aid to civilians throughout Gaza.

The path to resolution, according to Tuuml;rk, lies in an immediate cessation of violence, the unconditional release of remaining hostages, halting indiscriminate rocket firing and use of explosive weapons in populated areas, providing substantial humanitarian aid, ending arbitrary detention practices by Israel, and taking concrete steps to prevent further catastrophe while upholding the human rights of both Palestinians and Israelis.




