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A teacher has revealed the hidden costs she and her tens of thousands of colleagues face every year just to allow them to do their jobs.
Teachers, whose starting salaries are around $75,000, may have to occasionally shell out for stationery, but that’s not the only cost they face.
Like other industries, teachers have to pay annual registration fees to work.
Some teaching graduates say this is unfair straight out of university, where they may have undertaken unpaid or lower paid work placements during their training.
Nicola Markovic, a teacher in South Australia, said she was forced to fork out $465 before being allowed into classrooms.
Nicola Markovic, a teacher in South Australia, said she was forced to shell out $465 before being allowed into classrooms.
“As someone just coming off four years of salary as a college student, almost $500 is a lot of money for me and required a transfer from my already depleted savings account,” she said. yahoo news.
Ms Markovic had to pay for two years of registration: one until the renewal date of January 31 of the next year and also the following year.
The $465 fees included $245 total for both years of registration, a $195 application fee and a $25 criminal background check.
“It seems like it’s designed to get people who make the least money to pay the most money to start making money,” Ms. Markovic said.
The South Australian Teacher Registration Board receives no government funding and is funded by registration fees.
Each state and territory has different rates for teachers, but they all charge something.
New south Wales It has an annual fee of $100.
queensland graduates must pay between $167.85 and $183.80 when they first enroll. After that, annual renewals cost $100.70.
Victorian teachers pay $152.88 and then $114.40 in the future when they renew.
In Western Australia, graduates pay a fee of between $140 and $178. After that, they must pay two separate annual fees of $95 and $56.
Teachers in Tasmania pay an annual fee of $169.29.
He Northern Territory It charges $101 a year and graduates pay an additional $54 the first time.
He Australian Capital Territory charges teachers $115 to renew their registration each year.
Teachers have to pay annual registration fees to be able to work (file image)
There is a teacher shortage in large areas of Australia and that situation is expected to worsen in the coming years, with fewer and fewer people choosing to pursue education degrees.
In Victoria, more than 2,250 positions were advertised on the state Department of Education’s website earlier this year.
Education Minister Jason Clare told the guardian At the beginning of this year, in the last 10 years, the number of young people engaged in teaching had decreased by approximately 12%.
“Of those who begin a teaching career, only 50% finish it,” he stated. ‘And of those who finish it, 20% abandon it after less than three years.
“Teachers do one of the most important jobs in the world and we need more teachers.”
In response to the decline in the number of teachers, the federal government has launched its National Action Plan for the Teacher Workforce, which will provide $40,000 scholarships to 5,000 young people who want to become teachers.
Paramedics and nurses are among other professions that also have to pay an annual registration fee to work.
The hidden fee tens of thousands of Australians pay every year, just to do their job.