Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

No Ban on Campfires as Canada Turns on Politicians Over Wildfires<!-- wp:html --><p>Carlos Osorio/Reuters</p> <p>Despite huge swathes of Canada and the <a href="">U.S. East Coast</a> choking on smoke from <a href="">wildfires burning across Canada</a>, Canadian lawmakers have sparked outrage by appearing to drag their feet on climate change measures even as the country burns.</p> <p>Bizarrely, Ontario Premier Doug Ford on Wednesday stopped short of announcing a fire ban—instead politely urging the public to avoid campfires.</p> <p>“I’m asking every Ontarian, please do not light any campfires,” Ford said, according to the <a href=""><em>Toronto Star</em></a>. With mounting questions about the Ontario government’s willingness to fight climate change, the Conservative premier has accused opponents of seeking to “politicize” the wildfires and claimed lightning strikes and “people starting campfires” are to blame for the rash of blazes.</p> <p><a href="">Read more at The Daily Beast.</a></p><!-- /wp:html -->

Carlos Osorio/Reuters

Despite huge swathes of Canada and the U.S. East Coast choking on smoke from wildfires burning across Canada, Canadian lawmakers have sparked outrage by appearing to drag their feet on climate change measures even as the country burns.

Bizarrely, Ontario Premier Doug Ford on Wednesday stopped short of announcing a fire ban—instead politely urging the public to avoid campfires.

“I’m asking every Ontarian, please do not light any campfires,” Ford said, according to the Toronto Star. With mounting questions about the Ontario government’s willingness to fight climate change, the Conservative premier has accused opponents of seeking to “politicize” the wildfires and claimed lightning strikes and “people starting campfires” are to blame for the rash of blazes.

Read more at The Daily Beast.
