Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

The Ultimate Debate: Handkerchief vs. Tissue – Which is More Effective for Trapping Sneezes and Coughs?<!-- wp:html --><p><a href="">WhatsNew2Day - Latest News And Breaking Headlines</a></p> <div> <p class="paragraph_paragraph__3Hrfa">Maybe you have hay fever, COVID, a cold or the flu and you’re looking for a tissue or handkerchief.</p> <p class="paragraph_paragraph__3Hrfa">But which one is best for stopping the spread of infections? What has the least environmental impact? Is it the handkerchief, which has been around since at least Roman times? Or the newer and widely used facial tissue?</p> <p class="paragraph_paragraph__3Hrfa">You might be surprised by the results.</p> <h2 class="Typography_base__k7c9F Heading_heading__XLh_j Typography_sizeMobile20__zPuzG Typography_sizeDesktop32__a1adN Typography_lineHeightMobile24__xwyV0 Typography_lineHeightDesktop40__UHQxu Typography_marginBottomMobileSmall__8rIrY Typography_marginBottomDesktopSmall__IsBSx Typography_black__5rKXY Typography_colourInherit__xnbjy Typography_normalise__UWWOc">Little history of the handkerchief and the handkerchief</h2> <p class="paragraph_paragraph__3Hrfa">Today we think of tissues as a way to wipe our noses and catch coughs and sneezes. But a simple square of fabric has a complex history.</p> <p class="paragraph_paragraph__3Hrfa">In the first century, the Romans <a target="_blank" class="Link_link__nE06W ScreenReaderOnly_srLinkHint__83_S_ Link_showVisited__gmCxW Link_showFocus__0kDeK" href="" rel="noopener">used</a> A <em>sudaire </em>(from the Latin for anti-sweat fabric) to wipe away sweat or to mask the mouth and face.</p> <p class="paragraph_paragraph__3Hrfa">Over time, people used what we today call a handkerchief or handkerchief, as head coverings, as veils and for disguise, to clean their hands, to treat wounds and to stop blood.</p> <p class="paragraph_paragraph__3Hrfa">Wealthy people used them to signify class and good manners, and to discreetly wipe away phlegm rather than smearing snot on sleeves or skirts. Royalty used them to indicate wealth and power through their gifts of fine linen and silk handkerchiefs to their favored subjects. Henry VIII had a vast collection, some enhanced with gold and silver.</p> <div class="VerticalArticleFigcaption_desktopCaption__m4Elr"> <!-- -->The handkerchief was once a token of love, like the one between this lady and the soldier.<span class="Typography_base__k7c9F VerticalArticleFigcaption_citation__mJIgi Typography_sizeMobile12__d1m0s Typography_lineHeightMobile24__xwyV0 Typography_regular__Aqp4p Typography_colourInherit__xnbjy Typography_letterSpacedSm__oprIk"><span class="Typography_base__k7c9F Typography_sizeMobile12__d1m0s Typography_lineHeightMobile20__akKiV Typography_regular__Aqp4p Typography_colourInherit__xnbjy Typography_letterSpacedSm__oprIk">(<span>Provided: <a target="_blank" class="Link_link__nE06W ScreenReaderOnly_srLinkHint__83_S_ Link_showVisited__gmCxW Link_showFocus__0kDeK Link_underlineOnHover__sSpUn" href="" rel="noopener">Welcome collection</a></span>)</span></span></div> <p class="paragraph_paragraph__3Hrfa">Handkerchiefs were also <a target="_blank" class="Link_link__nE06W ScreenReaderOnly_srLinkHint__83_S_ Link_showVisited__gmCxW Link_showFocus__0kDeK" href="" rel="noopener">markers</a> love, fidelity and sexual preferences. In the late 19th century, the “handkerchief code” was a system of color coding and placement of handkerchiefs used to indicate sexual preferences. <a target="_blank" class="Link_link__nE06W ScreenReaderOnly_srLinkHint__83_S_ Link_showVisited__gmCxW Link_showFocus__0kDeK" href="" rel="noopener">which is still active</a> in LGBTQ+ communities today.</p> <p class="paragraph_paragraph__3Hrfa">We can <a target="_blank" class="Link_link__nE06W ScreenReaderOnly_srLinkHint__83_S_ Link_showVisited__gmCxW Link_showFocus__0kDeK" href="" rel="noopener">trace the origins</a> of tissue paper in China in the 2nd century BC. But it wasn’t until the 1920s that fabrics as we know them today <a target="_blank" class="Link_link__nE06W ScreenReaderOnly_srLinkHint__83_S_ Link_showVisited__gmCxW Link_showFocus__0kDeK" href="" rel="noopener">was developed</a> to remove makeup and wipe a runny nose caused by hay fever.</p> <h2 class="Typography_base__k7c9F Heading_heading__XLh_j Typography_sizeMobile20__zPuzG Typography_sizeDesktop32__a1adN Typography_lineHeightMobile24__xwyV0 Typography_lineHeightDesktop40__UHQxu Typography_marginBottomMobileSmall__8rIrY Typography_marginBottomDesktopSmall__IsBSx Typography_black__5rKXY Typography_colourInherit__xnbjy Typography_normalise__UWWOc">So which one is best for our health?</h2> <p class="paragraph_paragraph__3Hrfa">Over 100 years ago, a cloth handkerchief was considered a “<a target="_blank" class="Link_link__nE06W ScreenReaderOnly_srLinkHint__83_S_ Link_showVisited__gmCxW Link_showFocus__0kDeK" href="" rel="noopener">little flag of death</a>“because of the germs it carried and the way it contaminated the pockets it was left in. Later we were asked to use a tissue <a target="_blank" class="Link_link__nE06W ScreenReaderOnly_srLinkHint__83_S_ Link_showVisited__gmCxW Link_showFocus__0kDeK" href="" rel="noopener">as</a> “Coughing and sneezing spread disease.”</p> <p class="paragraph_paragraph__3Hrfa">Today we know that nasal secretions harbor cold-like viruses that can be <a target="_blank" class="Link_link__nE06W ScreenReaderOnly_srLinkHint__83_S_ Link_showVisited__gmCxW Link_showFocus__0kDeK" href="" rel="noopener">transferred</a> to a range of surfaces – hands, tissues, handkerchiefs, doorknobs, keyboards – sometimes surviving <a target="_blank" class="Link_link__nE06W ScreenReaderOnly_srLinkHint__83_S_ Link_showVisited__gmCxW Link_showFocus__0kDeK" href="" rel="noopener">a long time after</a> the initial exposure.</p> <div class="VerticalArticleFigcaption_desktopCaption__m4Elr"> <!-- -->This New Zealand poster from the 1960s encourages us to use a tissue.<span class="Typography_base__k7c9F VerticalArticleFigcaption_citation__mJIgi Typography_sizeMobile12__d1m0s Typography_lineHeightMobile24__xwyV0 Typography_regular__Aqp4p Typography_colourInherit__xnbjy Typography_letterSpacedSm__oprIk"><span class="Typography_base__k7c9F Typography_sizeMobile12__d1m0s Typography_lineHeightMobile20__akKiV Typography_regular__Aqp4p Typography_colourInherit__xnbjy Typography_letterSpacedSm__oprIk">(<span>Provided: <a target="_blank" class="Link_link__nE06W ScreenReaderOnly_srLinkHint__83_S_ Link_showVisited__gmCxW Link_showFocus__0kDeK Link_underlineOnHover__sSpUn" href="" rel="noopener">Archives New Zealand</a></span>)</span></span></div> <p class="paragraph_paragraph__3Hrfa">So, blowing your nose into a reusable cotton tissue, then touching another object, means these viruses can spread. Even if you immediately put your cotton tissue in the wash, you’ll likely contaminate surfaces along the way, such as doorknobs, and use your infected hands to operate the washing machine.</p> <p class="paragraph_paragraph__3Hrfa">Viruses do not tend to <a target="_blank" class="Link_link__nE06W ScreenReaderOnly_srLinkHint__83_S_ Link_showVisited__gmCxW Link_showFocus__0kDeK" href="" rel="noopener">survive so long</a> on fabrics. As long as you throw away tissues after using them and don’t leave them lying around for others to pick up, the risk of passing germs to others from a used tissue is much lower.</p> <p class="paragraph_paragraph__3Hrfa">Then there is the question of whether handkerchiefs or handkerchiefs provide effective barriers against coughs and respiratory sprays.</p> <p class="paragraph_paragraph__3Hrfa">Basic cloth coverings, such as handkerchiefs or bandanas, can trap spit, as can tissues. But several studies have shown that they are not effective <a target="_blank" class="Link_link__nE06W ScreenReaderOnly_srLinkHint__83_S_ Link_showVisited__gmCxW Link_showFocus__0kDeK" href="" rel="noopener">filtered</a> <a target="_blank" class="Link_link__nE06W ScreenReaderOnly_srLinkHint__83_S_ Link_showVisited__gmCxW Link_showFocus__0kDeK" href="" rel="noopener">respiratory aerosols</a>Or <a target="_blank" class="Link_link__nE06W ScreenReaderOnly_srLinkHint__83_S_ Link_showVisited__gmCxW Link_showFocus__0kDeK" href="" rel="noopener">stop inhaling</a> pollutants, pathogens or <a target="_blank" class="Link_link__nE06W ScreenReaderOnly_srLinkHint__83_S_ Link_showVisited__gmCxW Link_showFocus__0kDeK" href="" rel="noopener">small particles suspended in the air</a>.</p> <h2 class="Typography_base__k7c9F Heading_heading__XLh_j Typography_sizeMobile20__zPuzG Typography_sizeDesktop32__a1adN Typography_lineHeightMobile24__xwyV0 Typography_lineHeightDesktop40__UHQxu Typography_marginBottomMobileSmall__8rIrY Typography_marginBottomDesktopSmall__IsBSx Typography_black__5rKXY Typography_colourInherit__xnbjy Typography_normalise__UWWOc">Which is best for the planet?</h2> <p class="paragraph_paragraph__3Hrfa">If you want to examine environmental considerations, the American company Ecosystem Analytics <a target="_blank" class="Link_link__nE06W ScreenReaderOnly_srLinkHint__83_S_ Link_showVisited__gmCxW Link_showFocus__0kDeK" href="" rel="noopener">compared with</a> reusable cotton handkerchiefs to disposable paper handkerchiefs using a <a target="_blank" class="Link_link__nE06W ScreenReaderOnly_srLinkHint__83_S_ Link_showVisited__gmCxW Link_showFocus__0kDeK" href="" rel="noopener">life cycle analysis</a>. It examined four measures of environmental impacts associated with production, transport, use and disposal:</p> <p><span class="ListItem_bullet__kJDXC ListItem_square__U6KqB"></span></p> <p class="paragraph_paragraph__3Hrfa">climate change (sum of greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, nitrous oxide and CFCs)</p> <p><span class="ListItem_bullet__kJDXC ListItem_square__U6KqB"></span></p> <p class="paragraph_paragraph__3Hrfa">quality of ecosystems (chemical pollution of land and water)</p> <p><span class="ListItem_bullet__kJDXC ListItem_square__U6KqB"></span></p> <p class="paragraph_paragraph__3Hrfa">human health (carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic toxicity for humans)</p> <p><span class="ListItem_bullet__kJDXC ListItem_square__U6KqB"></span></p> <p class="paragraph_paragraph__3Hrfa">resources (total energy needs linked to non-renewable energy and mining).</p> <p> <!-- -->Surely, cotton tissues are better for the planet than paper tissues?<span class="Typography_base__k7c9F VerticalArticleFigcaption_citation__mJIgi Typography_sizeMobile12__d1m0s Typography_lineHeightMobile24__xwyV0 Typography_regular__Aqp4p Typography_colourInherit__xnbjy Typography_letterSpacedSm__oprIk"><span class="Typography_base__k7c9F Typography_sizeMobile12__d1m0s Typography_lineHeightMobile20__akKiV Typography_regular__Aqp4p Typography_colourInherit__xnbjy Typography_letterSpacedSm__oprIk">(<span>Pixabay</span>)</span></span></p> <p class="paragraph_paragraph__3Hrfa">The verdict? Across all four measures, a cotton handkerchief had an impact five to seven times greater than an equivalent handkerchief.</p> <p class="paragraph_paragraph__3Hrfa">And, by far, the largest impacts were related to the production of each of these products, rather than their use or disposal.</p> <p class="paragraph_paragraph__3Hrfa">If you still want to use a cotton handkerchief, you can opt for organic cotton, which has a <a target="_blank" class="Link_link__nE06W ScreenReaderOnly_srLinkHint__83_S_ Link_showVisited__gmCxW Link_showFocus__0kDeK" href="" rel="noopener">reduced ecological footprint</a> compared to standard cotton produced in the same location. But organic cotton production has <a target="_blank" class="Link_link__nE06W ScreenReaderOnly_srLinkHint__83_S_ Link_showVisited__gmCxW Link_showFocus__0kDeK" href="" rel="noopener">lower yields</a> than its conventional equivalent, meaning more land is required to produce an equivalent quantity, making the total environmental impact worse.</p> <p class="paragraph_paragraph__3Hrfa">If you want to use tissues more easily, those made from recycled materials may be a better option. Their manufacture leads to <a target="_blank" class="Link_link__nE06W ScreenReaderOnly_srLinkHint__83_S_ Link_showVisited__gmCxW Link_showFocus__0kDeK" href="" rel="noopener">less</a> greenhouse gas emissions compared to manufacturing regular tissues.</p> <h2 class="Typography_base__k7c9F Heading_heading__XLh_j Typography_sizeMobile20__zPuzG Typography_sizeDesktop32__a1adN Typography_lineHeightMobile24__xwyV0 Typography_lineHeightDesktop40__UHQxu Typography_marginBottomMobileSmall__8rIrY Typography_marginBottomDesktopSmall__IsBSx Typography_black__5rKXY Typography_colourInherit__xnbjy Typography_normalise__UWWOc">The verdict</h2> <p class="paragraph_paragraph__3Hrfa">Wiping our noses with paper tissues that we dispose of properly after use (and do not store in our pocket), made from recycled materials, is preferable from a health and environmental point of view.</p> <p class="paragraph_paragraph__3Hrfa">But handkerchiefs don’t quite have the same panache as the historic and versatile cloth handkerchief.</p> <p class="paragraph_paragraph__3Hrfa"><strong>Mark Patrick Taylor is Chief Environmental Scientist at EPA Victoria and Honorary Professor in the School of Natural Sciences at Macquarie University. Hester Joyce is an Adjunct Associate Professor in Creative Arts at La Trobe University. This piece first appeared on <a target="_blank" class="Link_link__nE06W ScreenReaderOnly_srLinkHint__83_S_ Link_showVisited__gmCxW Link_showFocus__0kDeK" href="" rel="noopener">The conversation</a>.</strong></p> </div> <p><a href="">The Ultimate Debate: Handkerchief vs. Tissue – Which is More Effective for Trapping Sneezes and Coughs?</a></p><!-- /wp:html -->

WhatsNew2Day – Latest News And Breaking Headlines

Maybe you have hay fever, COVID, a cold or the flu and you’re looking for a tissue or handkerchief.

But which one is best for stopping the spread of infections? What has the least environmental impact? Is it the handkerchief, which has been around since at least Roman times? Or the newer and widely used facial tissue?

You might be surprised by the results.

Little history of the handkerchief and the handkerchief

Today we think of tissues as a way to wipe our noses and catch coughs and sneezes. But a simple square of fabric has a complex history.

In the first century, the Romans used A sudaire (from the Latin for anti-sweat fabric) to wipe away sweat or to mask the mouth and face.

Over time, people used what we today call a handkerchief or handkerchief, as head coverings, as veils and for disguise, to clean their hands, to treat wounds and to stop blood.

Wealthy people used them to signify class and good manners, and to discreetly wipe away phlegm rather than smearing snot on sleeves or skirts. Royalty used them to indicate wealth and power through their gifts of fine linen and silk handkerchiefs to their favored subjects. Henry VIII had a vast collection, some enhanced with gold and silver.

The handkerchief was once a token of love, like the one between this lady and the soldier.(Provided: Welcome collection)

Handkerchiefs were also markers love, fidelity and sexual preferences. In the late 19th century, the “handkerchief code” was a system of color coding and placement of handkerchiefs used to indicate sexual preferences. which is still active in LGBTQ+ communities today.

We can trace the origins of tissue paper in China in the 2nd century BC. But it wasn’t until the 1920s that fabrics as we know them today was developed to remove makeup and wipe a runny nose caused by hay fever.

So which one is best for our health?

Over 100 years ago, a cloth handkerchief was considered a “little flag of death“because of the germs it carried and the way it contaminated the pockets it was left in. Later we were asked to use a tissue as “Coughing and sneezing spread disease.”

Today we know that nasal secretions harbor cold-like viruses that can be transferred to a range of surfaces – hands, tissues, handkerchiefs, doorknobs, keyboards – sometimes surviving a long time after the initial exposure.

This New Zealand poster from the 1960s encourages us to use a tissue.(Provided: Archives New Zealand)

So, blowing your nose into a reusable cotton tissue, then touching another object, means these viruses can spread. Even if you immediately put your cotton tissue in the wash, you’ll likely contaminate surfaces along the way, such as doorknobs, and use your infected hands to operate the washing machine.

Viruses do not tend to survive so long on fabrics. As long as you throw away tissues after using them and don’t leave them lying around for others to pick up, the risk of passing germs to others from a used tissue is much lower.

Then there is the question of whether handkerchiefs or handkerchiefs provide effective barriers against coughs and respiratory sprays.

Basic cloth coverings, such as handkerchiefs or bandanas, can trap spit, as can tissues. But several studies have shown that they are not effective filtered respiratory aerosolsOr stop inhaling pollutants, pathogens or small particles suspended in the air.

Which is best for the planet?

If you want to examine environmental considerations, the American company Ecosystem Analytics compared with reusable cotton handkerchiefs to disposable paper handkerchiefs using a life cycle analysis. It examined four measures of environmental impacts associated with production, transport, use and disposal:

climate change (sum of greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, nitrous oxide and CFCs)

quality of ecosystems (chemical pollution of land and water)

human health (carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic toxicity for humans)

resources (total energy needs linked to non-renewable energy and mining).

Surely, cotton tissues are better for the planet than paper tissues?(Pixabay)

The verdict? Across all four measures, a cotton handkerchief had an impact five to seven times greater than an equivalent handkerchief.

And, by far, the largest impacts were related to the production of each of these products, rather than their use or disposal.

If you still want to use a cotton handkerchief, you can opt for organic cotton, which has a reduced ecological footprint compared to standard cotton produced in the same location. But organic cotton production has lower yields than its conventional equivalent, meaning more land is required to produce an equivalent quantity, making the total environmental impact worse.

If you want to use tissues more easily, those made from recycled materials may be a better option. Their manufacture leads to less greenhouse gas emissions compared to manufacturing regular tissues.

The verdict

Wiping our noses with paper tissues that we dispose of properly after use (and do not store in our pocket), made from recycled materials, is preferable from a health and environmental point of view.

But handkerchiefs don’t quite have the same panache as the historic and versatile cloth handkerchief.

Mark Patrick Taylor is Chief Environmental Scientist at EPA Victoria and Honorary Professor in the School of Natural Sciences at Macquarie University. Hester Joyce is an Adjunct Associate Professor in Creative Arts at La Trobe University. This piece first appeared on The conversation.

The Ultimate Debate: Handkerchief vs. Tissue – Which is More Effective for Trapping Sneezes and Coughs?
