Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

Tag: forces

Putin is facing a major humiliation as Ukrainian forces encircle a key city in territory Russia has just annexed
How a remote lagoon and a ‘secret weapon’ allowed the US Navy to overwhelm Japanese forces during World War II

Hong Kong forces children to wear double Covid masks while playing the FLUTE in propaganda video
Russian forces committed horrific war crimes in Ukraine, such as rape and torture, and sometimes even made the families of victims watch, UN investigators find

Russian troops are ‘panicking’ as Ukraine’s forces continue to advance
Biden tells Putin not to use nuclear weapons as his forces are beaten back in Ukraine

The invisible hand: A concept that explains hidden economic forces in the market
Ukraine says its forces ‘eliminated’ an Iranian drone deployed by Russia as Putin’s forces lose ground to the Ukrainian counterattack

Live: Russia gives up key northeast towns as Ukrainian forces make gains
WATCH: Biden Warns of Dangers of ‘MAGA Forces’ In Prime-Time Address