Fri. Jun 28th, 2024

Tag: really

Nightmare on Wall Street: A Lyft typo projected profit to be 10x better than it really is.
The truth about Tantruming Travis Kelce’s ugly sideline scuffle… the hunkiest quarterback… best ad… and worst halftime show ever – all sealed with a sloppy Swift smooch! KENNEDY’s got the only Super Bowl match report you REALLY need

Nat Barr confronts Barnaby Joyce about THAT video – as he makes a shocking confession about what really happened
Yes, You Really Do Need To Be Using a Clarifying Shampoo—Even if You Have Color-Treated Hair

Trump’s fraud-trial judge, left out of loop,  demands to know if a key witness really may cop to perjury like the NYT says
How Biden Can Really Support Dearborn’s Muslim Community

Apple wants to know what developers really think about its App Store changes. It may regret asking.

Utah’s GOP Guv Is Really Fed Up With the Taylor Swift Conspiracies