Fri. Jul 5th, 2024

Tag: bullies

A 10-year-old girl is accused of naming a list of “bullies” she wanted to kill at her school in South Carolina, moments after an 11-year-old boy threatened to “shoot up” her elementary school in the same county.
Jonathan Lewis murder: Four ‘killer bullies’ are named and shamed as they make first court apeparance

Jonathan Lewis, 17, is ‘beaten to death’ by huge swarm of bullies in Las Vegas ‘after standing up for smaller friend who they’d just robbed’
A History Lesson for the Mega-Rich Bullies Bankrolling California Land-Grab

Salvador Rios dies as the result of cyberbullying, family claims, as bullies targeted him for being gay
Portland school bullies pulverize girl in common room while staffer walks past and does NOTHING