Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

Tag: drinks

From Coffee to Seltzer, Add CBD to Your Beverage Lineup With These Drinks
David Beckham cuts an affable figure as he drinks coffee and reads about his beloved beekeeping in Nespresso’s stylish new advert.

Bill Cosby is sued by former actress Jane Tarshis who claims disgraced star sexually-assaulted her twice during 70s ‘after giving her drinks that made her pass out’

Inside the extraordinary fight to keep the identity of an NSW Police detective inspector secret after he allegedly downed 20 drinks and got behind the wheel – as police boss denies ‘cover-up’
GOP Senator Markwayne Mullin Alleges Matt Gaetz Shared Explicit Videos of Women and Boasted About Consuming E.D. Medicine with Energy Drinks for Prolonged Stamina

Countries that love sugary drinks the most REVEALED – and Britain isn’t even in the top 10
Would you be willing to try AI-designed foods and drinks, ranging from lollipop-flavored Coke to digitally-created beef stew, hitting shelves this year?

The humanoid robot CEO of a drinks company says she doesn’t have weekends and is ‘always on 24/7’
Autumnal drinks sold at Starbucks, Pret and Costa can have more sugar than FOUR doughnuts and be as calorific as TWO Mars bars