Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

Tag: eagle

Democratic mayor of Eagle Pass slams ‘frustrating’ immigration standoff between Biden administration and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, says all illegal border crossers should be turned back IMMEDIATELY
Texas national guards use riot shields to hold back horde of migrants trying to cross through razor wire in Eagle Pass with one person hurling a rock towards a soldier’s head

Can YOU spot the pinwheel fireworks? Only those with eagle eyes can find three circular explosives in just 30 seconds
Married At First Sight lovebirds Duncan James and Evelyn Ellis put on a stylish display at Golden Eagle Day in Sydney

Nicole Kidman’s niece Lucia Hawley shows off her trim pins in a lavender mini-dress as she judges the fashions at Golden Eagle Day in Sydney
Eagle Pass, Texas declares state of emergency as shocking photos show it being overwhelmed by migrants – with 4,000 streaming across the border TODAY

California birdwatchers watched a bald eagle adopt a baby hawk — a behavior that’s been recorded in the wild only 4 other times